Topic 3: Equity and Access

Appropriate reading is conducive to learning from more educational methods, and more convenient access to education sources and channels.As an educated person, I have noticed that there are still many insufficient ways of learning.There are many new ways of education in the world worth exploring, innovating, and improving. Previously, I did not consider the breadth of access to knowledge.I just absorb and transform the knowledge given by the teacher, and forgot my own thinking, so there are many areas that are not very understanding.At the same time, my thinking is not pioneering enough, and the communication with teachers and classmates is too little, resulting in their own space is too closed.

In the process of reading the materials, I found that I had some similarities. For example, sometimes I searched for the information and could not find the relevant content, and I could not get the information I wanted, or it was very different from what I wanted to find. The Internet does not quite understand the information that I want to find out. In addition, I have also heard that people around me can’t afford to buy compulsory textbooks, and the economic situation will also subtly affect their learning status or the degree of care of people around them.

If I were a teacher, I hope to make use of the open teaching method properly, use the open education resources, and break the traditional closed education system, so that teachers and students can cooperate, learn and improve each other in teaching and learning. To improve the students’ creativity and the same time. I hope to properly interpret the problems students want to know, and try to break the barriers of data, so that students can understand the relevant knowledge as comprehensively and detailed as possible.


Mays, E. (Ed.). (2017). A guide to making open textbooks with students. Rebus Community.

Gilliard, C., & Culik, H. (2016, May 24). Digital Redlining, Access, and Privacy. Common Sense Education.

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